An implant is a small device that fits inside your arm. It contains a metal post and a tiny ball (called an abutment). The implant is made of titanium, which is very strong. The abutment and the ball are held together with a screw that connects to your jawbone. It takes some time for the abutment and the implant to fuse together, called osseointegration. You may have a lot of bruising or soreness after surgery. Infection at the implant site is rare.대구치과추천
The implant steadily releases a hormone called progestogen into your body. This prevents your body from releasing an egg each month and stops fertilised eggs from attaching to the lining of your womb. It also thickens the mucus in your cervix, making it harder for sperm to get through. Implants last for five years and can be removed at any time. They are more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. However, a woman can still become pregnant, even when using an implant, so it is important to use other forms of birth control.
Before having an implant inserted, you need to discuss it with your health professional. They will ask you about your medical history and perform a physical exam. This is to make sure that the procedure is safe for you and to see if it is the best option for you. It is important to tell them about any allergies, health problems or medications you take. You should not have an implant if you have a blood-clotting disorder or are at risk of getting a blood clot.
To put in an implant, your health professional will numb the skin of your inner upper arm with local anesthetic. They will then find the groove between muscles in your arm. They will push a needle-like device through the groove to insert the implant. They might do an ultrasound or X-ray to check that it is in the right place. They might also put a pressure bandage on the area to lessen bruising and pain.
You should not smoke before or after the procedure because it can slow healing. You might also be advised to eat only a light meal a couple of hours before the procedure.
After the implant has been inserted, you should not smoke, drink alcohol or eat ice-cream because these can cause infection. You should also wash your hands often and keep the implant clean.
Having an implant inserted is usually done at a hospital or dental clinic. The procedure takes about 20 to 30 minutes. You can expect some bruising or soreness at the implant site, which will improve after a few days. It is important to avoid blowing your nose, smoking or spitting excessively because this can create a dry socket. If you do have a dry socket, your doctor might suggest taking antibiotics or putting a sterile dressing on the area. You should also not put a sock on the area because it can cause irritation.램브란트치과