One of the most common respiratory illnesses, rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nose. It causes symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, watery rhinorrhea and itchy nose. Other symptoms may include headache and loss of smell. If left untreated, rhinitis can progress to asthma.비염치료
The disease can be caused by a variety of factors, such as infection, allergic reaction, and irritants. There are a number of different types of rhinitis, including nonallergic rhinitis, which can be either seasonal or chronic. Each type is treated differently, so it is important to consult a health professional to determine which type is right for you.
Acute rhinitis is the most common form of rhinitis and it is often caused by a viral infection. However, it can also be due to other conditions, such as allergies or sinusitis. People with acute rhinitis generally have only a few episodes of the illness during the year. Symptoms tend to be mild and resolve in one to two weeks without treatment.
Chronic rhinitis is a more serious condition. The symptoms of chronic rhinitis are usually associated with a runny nose, but can also cause other problems, such as an itchy throat. Symptoms can be caused by infections, allergies, or other conditions, and they can be treated by avoiding certain triggers. Treatment options include oral decongestants and medications to relieve inflammation. In some cases, surgery is necessary.
Allergic rhinitis is a disease that is caused by overactive immune responses to specific antigens. When this occurs, it can affect your day-to-day activities, such as your performance at work and sleep, as well as your quality of life. This form of rhinitis can sometimes be difficult to treat, especially if you suffer from other allergies. Fortunately, allergy tests can be used to determine the source of your allergy. Some tests include a skin test, blood test, and a nasolaryngoscopy. Typically, a combination of these tests is needed to determine the exact cause of the allergy.
Infective rhinitis is another condition that can be caused by bacteria. These bacteria can cause inflammation and cause itchy nasal passages. However, most people with this condition are suffering from a virus, so it is likely to clear up in a few weeks. For this reason, many physicians prefer to use an over-the-counter medication, such as an antibiotic. To control the symptoms, nasal irrigation and a salt water solution may be prescribed.
Nonallergic rhinitis is another type of rhinitis that can be caused by a number of factors, such as allergens, infection, and stress. While most people get this disease only during the summertime, there are others who get it all year round. The primary way to reduce the symptoms of this condition is to avoid the triggers.
There are a number of treatment options for both types of rhinitis, and you should discuss them with your physician to find out which is best for you. Antihistamines and ipratropium bromide are a good choice for elderly rhinitis. Oral decongestants can help to relieve some of the symptoms, but you should consult your doctor before taking them to make sure they are safe for you. Also, it is important to note that oral decongestants can have negative side effects, such as heart problems.라경찬한의원