Bad Breath Treatment Bad breath, also called halitosis, may be caused by food particles trapped between teeth, gum disease, poor oral hygiene habits, certain medications, sinus infections, smoking or drinking acidic foods and beverages. If not treated, halitosis can lead to tooth decay and periodontal (gum) disease. Brushing and flossing removes trapped food particles and…
[월:] 2023년 11월
Why Kids Need a Friendly Dentist
Why Kids Need a Friendly Dentist A friendly dentist is one that has the ability to communicate with patients and provide them with excellent oral care. A dentist who is able to build trust with his or her patients will have more success in helping them maintain a healthy oral care routine, especially for kids….
How to Make Greek Yogurt at Home
How to Make Greek Yogurt at Home Making Greek yogurt is a great way to add more probiotics to your diet. Making it at home is also inexpensive and easy. It doesn’t require any expensive gadgets. It can be used in a variety of recipes and is full of protein. You can use it for…
Implants – What You Need to Know
An implant is a small device that fits inside your arm. It contains a metal post and a tiny ball (called an abutment). The implant is made of titanium, which is very strong. The abutment and the ball are held together with a screw that connects to your jawbone. It takes some time for the…
Rhinitis Treatment Focuses on Symptom Control Through Avoidance, Medication and Immunotherapy
Rhinitis treatment focuses on symptom control through avoidance, medication and immunotherapy (allergen specific). Allergens that can trigger rhinitis are: pollen, mold, dust mites, pet dander, cockroach waste, chemicals, perfumes, smoke, rapid changes in temperature and hormonal changes. These allergens trigger the body to release a chemical called histamine, which leads to symptoms of itchy eyes…
How a Hair Transplant Works
A hair transplant, or hair restoration, is a surgery that moves healthy hair from one part of your scalp to the bald or thinning parts. The result is a fuller head of hair and fewer bald spots. The surgeon removes a strip of hair-bearing skin from the back or sides of your scalp (the donor…